Cotton fabric laminate SRBF Material - Crow Brand
Phenolic cotton sheet
Medium weave cotton/phenolic resin laminated plastic
(SRBF – Synthetic resin Bonded Fabric)
A low-cost general-purpose cotton fabric laminate sheet grade for mechanical applications.
Crow Brand Tufnol is a coarse weave grade of phenolic cotton sheet for mechanical applications, where tough, rugged components are needed. This grade of cotton fabric laminate has excellent impact strength with good general toughness and wear resistance. It is suitable for electrical insulation at low voltages.
What is Crow Brand used for?
Crow Brand phenolic cotton sheet is used for mechanical applications and general uses, particularly for large components, or where fine surface finish is not a prime requirement, e.g. for large gears, jigs, wearing components, large rollers, impact blocks and many heavy duty components.
- A low cost general purpose phenolic cotton fabric laminate grade for mechanical applications.

Types Available | Sheets | Sheet (RFS) | Tubes | Other Sections |
Natural colour Crow Brand | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Graphite-impregnated Crow Brand | ✓* | ✓* | ✓* | X |
* Minimum order quantities may apply.

View/Download Datasheet(s):
- Sheet: BS EN 60893-3-4 Type PF CC 201
- Rod from Sheet: BS EN 60893-3-4:2012 PF CC 201
- Rectangular Bar: BS 6128 Part 4 Type PF CC 45
- Hexagon Bar: BS 6128 Part 6 Type PF CC 65
- Round Tube: BS EN 61212-3-2 Type PF CC 34
- Rectangular Tube: BS 6128 Part 13 Type PF CC 134
- NEMA Sheet: NEMA LI-1-1983 Type C
*Testing and certification to these standards is subject to special enquiry. Standard quality testing is to British Standards.