Phenolic Paper Laminate - Grade 1P/13
Phenolic Paper laminate
Paper/phenolic resin laminated plastic
(SRBP – Synthetic Resin Bonded Paper)
Tufnol Grade 1P/13 is a low cost commercial paper based laminate, produced to meet the need for an economical material where electrical requirements are moderate. As a good basic, low voltage insulation material, this grade has a higher mechanical strength than the other grades in our phenolic paper range and greater impact strength. It can be machined readily and components can be hot punched in thicknesses up to 3.2mm.
What is Grade 1P/13 used for?
This material is used for many electrical components where low voltage insulation is required. In addition, the low cost and all round properties of Grade 1P.13 make it a popular choice for many less demanding mechanical duties. Consequently, it is used for a multitude of different engineering parts, such as spacers, base plates, side plates, and simple jigs and fixtures, in addition to the usual range of electrical insulation components.
- An economical commercial paper grade for mechanical applications.

Types Available | Sheets | Sheet (RFS) | Tubes | Other Sections |
Natural colour Grade 1P/13 | ✓ | X | X | X |
Black Grade 1P/1 | ✓* | X | X | X |
* Minimum order applies

View/Download Datasheet(s):
- Sheet: BS EN 60893-3-4 Type PF CP 201
- Rod from Sheet: 60893-3-4:2012 PF CP 201
Standard quality testing is to British Standards.