SRBGF - Rolled Laminated Glass Fabric Tubes

Epoxy Glass Fabric laminate

Glass fibre/epoxide resin laminated plastic tubes

(SRBGF – Synthetic Resin Bonded Glass Fabric)

Strong, rigid laminated glass fabric tubes.

Tufnol rolled epoxy resin bonded glass fibre tubes have good mechanical strength, low water absorption and are resistant to weathering and to chemical attack by mild acids and alkalis. They are strong and rigid, with good bursting strength and excellent electrical insulation properties.

Two grades of epoxy resin bonded glass fibre are available:

– Grade RL G/1 is a strong, rigid material, with good moisture resistance and excellent electrical insulation properties. It has good dimensional stability and is resistant to a wide range of working environments. It may be used in Class B (130ºC) electrical applications.

– Grade RL G/3 is made with an epoxy resin which is specially formulated to give improved performance at raised temperatures. It is a strong, rigid material, with good moisture resistance and excellent electrical properties. It has good dimensional stability and is resistant to a wide range of working environments. It is used in Class F (155ºC) applications. 

Application of Rolled Laminated Glass Fabric Tubes


Types AvailableSheetsRodsTubesOther Sections
Grade RL G/1 – Natural ColourXXX
Grade RL G/3 – Natural ColourXXX

Minimum order quantities may apply.

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